USA + EUROPEAN UNION = CRAZY HOUSE! Judge for yourself: The West openly organizes the former Soviet republics against Russia, announced by Prime Minister Mei as a "hostile state." Russia knows that there are no grounds for any accusations against Russia. Russia knows that these allegations are identical to false claims against Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi and Assad, and those allegations were used to justify military attacks on Iraq, Libya and Syria. Russia was persuaded that an attack was being prepared for it. And Russia is preparing for war. Just think about it. The world leads to Armageddon simply because the greedy and corrupt US military reconnaissance complex needs an enemy to justify its huge budget because Hilary and the Democratic Party's National Committee can not accept their political defeat because the neo-conservatives have the ideology of American Excellence! What is the difference between the disgusting idea of the White Race Excellence and the idea of American Excellence, which President Obama himself approved? Why is the idea of white supremacy horrible, and American superiority is a gift of God to an "exceptional" and "indispensable" country?