.. "I am absolutely pro-Ukrainian people, but I'm pragmatic person, and do not intend to be guided by idiotic emotions and to deny the facts The facts are as follows: "" Civilized West "broke the Ukrainian state, provoked a civil war, condemned the Ukrainian people to poverty, suffering and other disorders. Moreover, the result all in divine form the West is not going to, because they have only about democracy, words are fine, but when It comes down to it, except lawlessness nothing. Russia wanted to spit on them - feels like felt, import substitution partially there. They better - Putin has only strengthened their power. If before any bulk and other liberasticheskie trash still had a certain percentage of support, after a vaccination as the Maidan, they just spit ... That is, we can say, sacrificed themselves, to show Russia the consequences of pryganina on Manezhnaya and Bolotnaya. That's what America is, in fact, and has achieved. Russia did not do anything at all, it was not for the war, and was a "hands on hips" and waited for what would happen. That's all, quietly gave America disgrace. All pro-American local syavki completely disgraced, "- said the famous Kiev lawyer and social activist Montyan Tatiana in an interview with« Topinform ».