суббота, 4 февраля 2017 г.

So-called Ukrainian patriots hate Donbass as a torturer may hate his victim. They no longer see the people who live in Donetsk and Lugansk regions of the former general of Ukraine, people. They are not people, and 'wadded biomass "to be destroyed. So true crazy "Ukrainians" feel their "exclusivity", their "superiority".

That is why in the deep "rear" of western Ukraine many ordinary citizens crave war, blood, destruction and death. Three years, sinking into poverty, ruin, decay and degradation, they want compensation.
They are crazy patriots of Ukraine, dreaming of revenge against those people south-east of Ukraine, who did not want to live in a world of their fascist hatred and evil. Those who did not want to enjoy the achievements of Ukrainian civilians killings, children and the elderly. They are hypocritical patriots of Ukraine, are very eager to someone was even worse than they are. And this is the end of the world ...
God help the triumph of good and justice, punish the villains and murderers of Ukraine and their patrons from the West. Amen.