United States and its fatal mistake today and yesterday: "Mr. President We believe that you should immediately seek honest scouts analysts and to listen to them, especially if they are challenged or even contrary to current opinion is quite possible that they will convince. you closer to do the theme of death MH-17 and minimize the risk that the relations with Russia sink to the level of the return of the "cold war" with the probability of escalation to thermonuclear conflict. Let us say with all frankness, we suspect that at least some of your advisers fail to recognize the reality of this terrible threat "- with the hope of reply on behalf of the Coordination group organization" Veterans exploration for common sense ": William Binney, a former technical director of the World Geopolitical and military analysis, national security Agency unit (NSA) Thomas Drake, former senior NSA Philip Giraldi, a CIA operative officer (retired) Matthew Ho, the former captain of the marine Corps, Iraq, the diplomat. Larry Johnson, the CIA and the State Department (retired) John Kyriacou, former CIA officer in the field of counter-terrorism Karen Kwiatkowski, a former lieutenant colonel of the US Air Force. The Ministry of Defence has been witnessed in the 2001 - 2003 years to fabricate lies in order to justify the invasion of Iraq. Edward Loomis, NSA, scientist, computer kriptografDevid McMichael, National Intelligence Council (retired) Ray McGovern, a former intelligence officer US Army, CIA analyst. Elizabeth Murray, Deputy. Head of the National Service of the Middle East razvedkiSShA (retired). Todd E. Pearce, Mayor, lawyer, The Army (retired) Coleen Rowley, consultant and Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation (counter-intelligence and criminal police) (retired). Peter Van Buren, the Department of State Cyrus Uibi, former Senior Analyst, interception service, ANBEnn Wright, Colonel, The Army (retired)