Victory and us. I came to the conclusion that the kindness and nobility of Russian people are punishable. And today's world in the Russophobic West, subject to Anglo-Saxon influence with its looted moneybags, proves this. But the worst and irreversible thing is that the Russians (in the broadest sense of the word: Russian world!) In general cannot but be fair, worthy and merciful. Even to the detriment of ourselves. Well, we can’t look indifferent when someone is feeling bad, much less when someone is being killed before our eyes ... We have such a heart! Such a soul ... Someone will say that this is stupidity, on which, they say, you will not get rich. Well, let him say ... But there is God's judgment! And He supports us, Russians, compassion and protects us. Despite everything, in spite of everything, and in spite of any reptiles. Hooray! And with God. Amen.