суббота, 30 мая 2020 г.

America, Germany, France, Poland, Bulgaria, Japan, Romania, Great Britain, stop lying about the war with Hitler. God see everything! Even now corrupt Ukraine, which together, shoulder to shoulder, with its Slavic brothers from Russia over the years of struggle against fascist evil spirits, has given thousands of lives of its sons, allows itself to lie about the common Victory to please the West. Lord, you see all this abomination. Reveal justice !!! In memory of 27 million soldiers of the USSR - true martyrs and sufferers. They defeated the darkness and inhumanity of what was then Europe. Now rise again, you bastards?

Russia, do not help anyone, no country at the cost of the lives and well-being of your people! 
Those whom the Soviet Army saved from fascism in the 20th century, as it turned out, are not able to feel, understand, appreciate your feat and your millions of sacrifices for their sake ... 
These little people of modern fake European civilization betrayed such concepts as Justice, Truth, Humanity. Russia, take care of the precious lives of your talented citizens! 
The kindness and nobility of Russian heroes were punished. Historical lies and slander flourish, monuments about that terrible war are destroyed. 
The criminal, hypocritical and deceitful conduct of Europe and America today confirms their meanness.
Lord, you see all this human muck. Show mercy to the memory of Soviet soldiers fighting and perishing in the name of Peace on Earth. Amen.