суббота, 18 марта 2017 г.

Great-grandson of the Russian Tsar Alexander II said: "Compared with the sins of the United States to discuss the Crimea is ridiculous!" "For many in Russia, the Crimea is a shrine. It is very, very important for many. It has emotional, religious and strategic reasons. In particular, the Black Sea Fleet is stationed in the Crimea, and my great-grandfather also fought there in the Crimean War. This land was protected by blood. And in the West, they are willingly forgotten about this, "said a representative of the Romanov dynasty about the accession of Crimea to Russia in 2014. "America, for example, can do everything in the world that she wants, and it does not matter what they say about it. Therefore, when the US talks about the violation of international rights, this is hypocrisy. Their own sins are so huge that, in comparison with them, Crimea is ridiculous, "he concluded.

Publication date: March 16, 2017The great-grandson of the Russian Tsar Alexander II George Aleksandrovich Yuryevsky (in the German version - Hans-Georg), born and residing in Switzerland, expressed his position on anti-Russian sanctions and the Crimea's joining in an interview with the Swiss newspaper Tagesanzeiger.