воскресенье, 17 января 2016 г.

MOLDOVA. Once again, it is striking how the so-called Civic Platform "Yes" imbued with hatred, intolerance of his countrymen, whose native language is not Romanian. to half of its citizens who see the future of Moldova in all geographic areas, not just Europe. However, yesterday the slogan of supporters of the platform (3000) as well as the Party's slogan Dodon and Mustached (with more than 20 thousand), fully coincided today: "Make the current selling and thieves to leave power immediately and call early parliamentary elections."

It would seem that puzzle come together in unison! But no, cowardly (and what to be afraid of? Their own people?) And short-sighted (and remain with nothing to their systems and become a pipe dream urgently Romanians in Romania and ... kill all Russian citizens, that they hinder turn to the Europeans! ) This platform is dangerous for the country showed cowardice: They simply did not let pass through "their" area of ​​protesters from other parties, who demanded the same, and that was several times more ... We must pay tribute to two truly national parties that they do not succumb to provocation and walked these narrow-minded politicians who have not yet received the mythical power, it has cast off!It is a pity that among them a sensible, decent and economic expert, Alexander Slusar ... A provocation already started in television and radio to a criminal filing "YES" ... And if there will be blood, then it will be on their conscience. Lord, save and have mercy. Amen.