The simplicity, kindness and nobility of Russians are punishable. Most of the countries in the world, and especially those that the USSR liberated from fascism, today have the audacity and meanness to accuse Russia of whatever they please. And they are not ashamed !?
So the Japanese today, it seems, are incredibly grateful for the American atomic bombing of their cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) in 1945 for a very simple reason: if you are not grateful for the atomic bombs, then another "democratic" villain will fly to you, then another .. and then another. And so on until full and absolute gratitude is established ...
So why, from their shameless and "forgetful," point of view, they should respect those who do not bomb you, do not kill, do not drive out of the house, those who help you and who, forgetting about themselves, rushes to help all those in need? They are fools, these countries decided ... But the real smart ones bomb, so they must be respected. Is not it?
The creepy meanness and the triumph of cowardly hypocrisy among the vassals of the US and the EU are obvious! For them, you see, Russia is stupid, not practical !? The psychology of slaves and scoundrels - in action! Ugh!