The plaintive and vociferous Ukrainian song called "1944," about the deportation of Crimean Tatars by Stalin lacks cheerful verses about their diligent service to Hitler and the Nazi butchers. Eurovision-2016 has, together with Australia, revealed itself in all its hypocritical glory. The next year, we will wait for the same tragicomic German song called "1945". It is already about accidents and disenfranchised murderers Nazis and offended villains Nuremberg Trials. And Europe will once again applaud the victory of such a farce! Fu-oo-oo ... disgusting ... But everyone deserves what he deserves. For the Bible says that "according to thy deeds will be rewarded to you" ... Lord, give reason Russia to its rulers again throwing their courageous and good people to death for the sake of nasty, spiteful and ungrateful Europe! Not worthy of the weak and the stupid little people from the "cultural" Europe no life trusting and not selfish Russian. Russian by nature weak defenders! But it is necessary to restrain his kindness and not to risk himself for the unworthy and empty aggressors. As in Germany and Poland, and the United States and Israel ... Amen.